White Pants Outfit 秋高氣爽穿白褲

All photos by Scott Lin

Well, it's been a long time from my last outfit post. Recently busy at working in Fashion magazine app, the only thing I wanna do at home is leaving my computer!! But thinking about all my readers and friends, I have got the energy to write something for all of you to share my thoughts with you.

This white pants outfit is my last photo shoot before I left Taiwan, so it's precious and you should collect this article haha~ White pants always make people look fresh and clean, and fit with any top. The key point you should know is that you should clean the white pants after you wear it, and better wear it with sandals to look chill. (I tried leather shoes but it will look too serious and weird)
這篇是我離開台灣拍的最後一組片(大陸還沒認識攝影師朋友阿~)這個夏天買的白褲整個讓我愛不釋手,從夏天一路穿到秋天都可以,白褲在陽光普照的天氣怎麼拍都好看(不要太緊會很像要登上舞台大跳艷舞),記得每次穿完回家就要用牙刷洗掉髒污,白褲我建議搭涼鞋拖鞋或是樂福鞋,就是不要配皮鞋就好,才會有種從容悠閒感~想看更多穿搭可以看我的instagram: alexstylediaries 



End this article with my funny photo at Beijing Olympic place~
謝謝你們的每個點擊與支持,都是讓我成長往前的動力,愛你們 :)

Add my fans page and instagram Please~~
Alex Shih 
