Johan Ku Gold Label Opening 古又文全球首間旗艦店開幕與專訪
The Flagship Store Info 全球旗艦店資訊
Bellavita 2nd floor 寶麗廣場二樓
Address: No.28, Songren Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 110, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Weekday / 10:30 – 22:00
The day before the holidays / 10:30 – 22:30
TEL + 886 2 8729 2271
Now please follow me to take a look at their first Global Flagship store! Thanks to Womany for invitation and Scott for photography
接著就跟我一起來輕鬆逛古又文全球第一間旗艦店吧,之前他在國外都是與select shop以買斷的合作方式為主,這次回台灣開旗艦店對品牌是大加分,讓他一整季靈感能完整呈現!
The overall visual design is superb! The floral design perfectly matches the latest collection. They also have complete 01 by Johan Ku collections for business women, so no matter you want more couture like Gold Label or daily wear like 01, you can all find it here.
整體的視覺設計非常棒,一進門看到滿滿的花牆完美呼應春夏主題,裡面逛街動線流暢,擁有完整的訂製服Gold Label系列,和上班族穿的01 Johan Ku系列,可說各種消費者都能找到喜歡的衣服啊!詳細等我最後的專訪跟大家解釋
First is the Ribbon-cutting ceremony with Celebrities and designer himself
Below is Gold Label collection
Gold Label also has men's collection
Gold Label同時有少量男裝系列
The SS15 collection is based on "The hanging Garden" which mixs the sorrow and romance into fabulous pieces. With different textile mixing and sewing to make it vivid on people and exclusive pattern with Andrew Penketh, he perfectly captures garden flower spirit of born and death.
這次春夏Gold Label靈感來自於電影迷情花園,布料都是他獨家跟英國百貨Harvey Nichols的攝影師Andrew Penketh所研發,以墨綠與深紫色為基底,運用手工立體刺繡花朵呈現(每一朵都是他與團隊親自縫製的,非常耗時),完美表達出花園裡花朵的盛開與凋零,立體拼接紗線就像是花朵熱情綻放,絲質陰暗的色調就像是凋零紛飛的花瓣,從生到死都要美的無怨無悔。
The scarf is from Johan Ku's collection 我穿的是古又文最新推出絲巾系列
Then it's the 01 Johan Ku 's collection with really useful workwear items for every business woman, and stunning fabric to make you comfortable at work.
接著是他的副牌01 Johan Ku系列,這系列走的是比較實穿上班路線,古又文也運用他本身對布料的豐富知識在這系列,用頂級的真絲,Cashmere羊毛等給上班族女性舒適時尚的選擇。這季使用大量的極輕薄Silk Georgette(真絲喬其紗),適合夏天悶熱的天氣
They also have scarves and small leather goods
Then it's my interview Time! 接著就是我第一次嘗試的專訪!
We accidentally found out his card holder is like a lighter! Super cute~
1. Why you start your own flagship store this year?
Ku: I always think of myself as a designer, and that was what I focused on previous years. I used to collaborate with those select shops like OC in US and others in Europe, focusing on my own design part. This year is lucky to have agency to help me start my own store here. It's a good way to let me concentrate on design, sales and business part handled by those professional people.
2.What's your plan for your different brands?
Ku: After attending the show in US, I found out the importance of brand separation. 01 is positioned as American business women with useful & wearable pieces. Gold label is more about my ultimate crazy ideas. So I can pour all my creativity and handcraft on gold label without worrying if it sells. I think it's hard to make a brand super creative but also best-selling and that's why I did it.
古:自從去美國參展後,我認真發現品牌區隔的重要性。01是針對上班族女性實穿系列,而Gold Label則是我發揮極致創意的地方。看看雪芙身上這件我手工縫製的立體洋裝,我能耗費大量時間在這些衣服,而不用去擔心他的銷售與否。其實你看很多品牌要面對銷售跟創意都是兩難,想要同時大賣又創意十足真的很吃力,所以能這樣清楚分開品牌定位,對我來說反而是開心的,能夠盡情做想做的事情。
3. What's your inspiration from?
Ku: Mainly from Movies, maybe not the recent ones but they are the ones which inspired me the most. Sometimes it was the movie I watched long time ago, but without the technics and resource to make it at that time. When later I have more skills and time, I will make it happen. All designers must have a lot of ideas they wanna conduct but with the obstacles from reality. They are always on our minds and one day we may have chance to realize them!
4.What do yo think about your famous knitwear ?
Ku: Well, I think it's a good idea but also a bad idea. People may always consider me as a knitwear player. However, I am still a professional designer so I can definitely do a lot of ideas besides knitwear. Like my patterns and cutting, they are all the things I am good at and want to present to you. This year I used a lot of exclusive pattern, with extracting parts from different fabric and combing them together.
古:哈,我常說這是幸也是不幸,常有人都以為我只會針織其他就沒了,但其實我本來是專業設計師出道,各式各樣的方法當然都會嘗試。這兩年我用了很多特殊印花,從原本的白布印上我們獨家設計的花樣,另外也會從許多不同布料抽取出紗線拼接剪裁,這些都是我想呈現給大家的。針織還是會有, 但不是必然,多方嘗試更能證明我的設計實力。
5. What's your methods for creating these two labels?
Ku: Gold label is creativity first, and practicability comes second. However, 01 is the opposite with practicability first and creativity second. I will put my idea to ultimate for my gold label, and then adjust it to more market-oriented for my buyers. 01 is setting those wearable pieces and market position first, after that, I will use my creativity to make it fun and interesting.
古:Gold Label我會把創意擺第一,先把所有靈感推到極致,然後再去簡化成比較貼近消費者的單品,畢竟我還是有買家需要負責;01剛好相反,先定好市場定位,接著添加創意靈感元素成為實穿又創意好看的衣服。
6. Please give us the suggestion for maintaing knitwear items?
Ku: Well you need to know these knitwear is from nature. It is not the polyester or those artificial fabric. It will change the color and the shape after you wear it. It won't last forever the same, so please enjoy the change of your pieces and take it as your own special collection.
We were taking photos in front of his award-winning pieces
btw i accidentally met my former ELLE co workers!
I was really having fun while interviewing Johan himself. He is interesting and also sweet to everyone. Love him so much and wish him all the best!
Add my fans page and instagram Please~~