買菜趣 Love Market
Photographer: Jimmy Chao
Model: Jennifer Lee
Brands: Starmimi, Athena Chuang, Cheng Pai Cheng, Denward, if&n, Sense 1991, Yang Yang
Trousers empower women to act in freedom, and make them be themselves without the boundaries of skirts. From jumpsuits to loose pants, elegant to sharp, there is always a perfect pair of pants for you. Put your pants on and shake it off, because no matter in real market or love market, be who you are is the best way to attract the attention.
1.First Glimpse of the hot vendor 第一次逛菜市場遇到帥氣魚販
Jumpsuit 雪紡連身褲 by Athena Chuang
2. Second time shopping to see him 第二次特地去買魚,偷看魚販反而被發現而大笑
jumpsuit 連身褲 by Starmimi
Necklace 項鍊 by Yang Yang
Sandals 金屬裝飾平底涼鞋 by Sense 1991
3. Random walk to find fresh fruits for dinner 平常就愛穿輕便褲裝逛菜市場找尋新鮮食材
Top & trousers 長襯衫和麻質寬褲 by if&n
Shoes 白色便鞋 by Sense 1991
earrings 閃電耳環 by Yang Yang
4. Best thing about traditional market is the food 逛菜市場累了就是要來個米粉湯才對味
Top 藍格襯衫 by if&n
Shorts 白色打褶短褲 by Athena Chuang
earrings 耳環 by Yang Yang
Bracelet 整篇都帶這個黃銅手環 by Yang Yang
Shoes 草編綁帶涼鞋 by Sense 1991
5. You are the apple of my eye 你是我眼裡的蘋果
Top & trousers 數位印花上衣與緊身長褲 by Cheng Pai Cheng
Earrings 金屬耳環 by Yang Yang
Shoes 草編綁帶涼鞋 by Sense 1991
6. Which flower should I buy for him? 該買哪種花表達心意呢?
Cape, T-shirt, and denim shorts 丹寧罩衫,短T,牛仔短褲 all by Denward
珍珠耳環 Earrings by Yang Yang
Pumps 花朵圖案尖頭鞋 by Sense 1991
7. He accepted my flowers and say he loves me 原來他也喜歡我很久了,我們相愛吧!
Top is mine
Shorts 條紋短褲 by Starmimi
Slippers 白色皮革拖鞋 by Sense 1991
Then it's the behind the scene photos, I am really grateful to have this talented team and everyone in the market to help us achieve this project. XOXO
最後一些幕後花絮,真的很感動有這麼創意並且支持我的團隊,最重要感謝當天菜市場的人們願意配合我們拍照,魚攤米粉攤老闆都很阿莎力地給我們拍,只能說台灣最美的就是人情,有空去菜市場真的能挖到很多寶,當天買了好多小東西跟好吃水果!!各家品牌也一樣很棒的支持我們拍照,也感謝Sense1991這次提供很多鞋子讓我選擇,Yang Yang手工飾品也很美老闆也客氣,If&n 新牌子也非常大方,最後一樣感謝老朋友 Starmimi, Athena Chuang, Denward, Cheng Pai Cheng 我愛你們!!!