Forever 21 台灣開幕搶先逛(內含詳細商品價格陳列)
It was a really cool experience of getting the RSVP from Forever 21 and I have share with you guys. I am still not the A-list blogger(Though I wrote lots of A-list for readers), so I made an attempt on dropping message to their Facebook without expecting anyone to reply. BUT surprisingly, they did reply it!!!!! And they were super polite and sent me the email for further information. I always remember what Chiara said during an interview "Everything starts small." That's my goal to become a global bilingual blogger discovering more designers and fun for my readers! First let's take a look at the Forever 21 opening party photos.
這次真的不能不提邀請函的有趣插曲,原本想說我這麼B咖拿不到邀請函,突然看到知名部落客Chiara說默默無名時一切都要從自己主動開始,我便鼓起勇氣私訊Forever 21總部,原本想說沒有就算了,結果他們竟然超級親切的回應,最後還從總部轉到台灣公關公司寄給我邀請函,讓我整個受寵若驚!雖然我現在還很小咖,但我會努力繼續寫下去,用我的力量幫許多設計師和品牌發聲,並且用更真實有趣的角度報導時尚跟生活。說完了我們先看開幕照。
這次真的不能不提邀請函的有趣插曲,原本想說我這麼B咖拿不到邀請函,突然看到知名部落客Chiara說默默無名時一切都要從自己主動開始,我便鼓起勇氣私訊Forever 21總部,原本想說沒有就算了,結果他們竟然超級親切的回應,最後還從總部轉到台灣公關公司寄給我邀請函,讓我整個受寵若驚!雖然我現在還很小咖,但我會努力繼續寫下去,用我的力量幫許多設計師和品牌發聲,並且用更真實有趣的角度報導時尚跟生活。說完了我們先看開幕照。
#forever21taiwan , #f21xme
Because it was too early like 10 and hot weather, there is crowd but could get in quite fast!(which is a good thing for consumers like us~)
I am wearing all white to fit with the Forever 21 yellow 一身輕白只為呼應美麗黃色背板
Then it was the opening ceremony
And it's our exclusive report for shopping details in Forever 21! Thanks to photographer Alix~
Overall there are 3 floors. B1/Sporty Denim, 1/Women ,2/Women Shoes Accessories (the price is perfect!) the only pity is the men collection is still not enough. But I really like the industrial decoration style they use and good interior design for people easily shopping! Sneak peak from my instagram video(Follow me on : alexstylediaries) and coming up with detail photos!
B1 Sporty Denim first 先看B1運動單寧風
1st floor with latest look & stunning swimwear 一樓最新女裝比基尼專區應該很多女生會瘋掉
2 floor accessories & shoes & mens! 二樓女裝配件鞋子和少許男裝,鞋子飾品款式豐富
Just a few menswear 少許男裝
And after opening we went food hunting~~luv these amazing egg pancakes & french toasts
Fast fashion is dominating the world right now. However, I still hope all fast fashion brands can develop more creative items and not just copying from Runway. The most import thing I care about is treating those bottom labors nicely with enough pay for their living standard, PLEASE!!! Without their hard work, we can't wear these beautiful clothes. Let's all make the world better :)
#forever21taiwan , #f21xme
2 floor accessories & shoes & mens! 二樓女裝配件鞋子和少許男裝,鞋子飾品款式豐富
Just a few menswear 少許男裝
Then we are in shoes heaven! 接著就是二樓的美鞋飾品天堂,真的超像夢幻衣櫥間
And after opening we went food hunting~~luv these amazing egg pancakes & french toasts
#forever21taiwan , #f21xme
Add my fans page and instagram Please~~
Alex Shih