Mini Storage Cafe 花藝好食物佳的儲房咖啡館
It's my first article for Foodporn this year! Glad to visit Mini storage cafe with unique Everyday Floral Design! This is one of my favorite coffee shop in Taipei. No matter the interior design, flower display, and most importantly the meal all perform beyond perfect.
很久沒寫食記了,上一篇已經是一年前的蘋果肉桂!這次主要是因為好友在裡面Everyday Floral Design工作邀請我去(可以去找他們買花,都超美很有設計感,我結婚要包下來XD),結果讓我現在整個愛上它!這間儲房咖啡館應該是台北數一數二結和花店,而且是認真有食物的咖啡館(不像很多都是難喝咖啡配冷食物,他們家熱食很讚),可以去他們粉絲專頁follow,記得先訂位,週末有時候人會多!
02 2517 5902
This is my photographer friend Scott! He is super talented~攝影師史考特是拍美食達人
First I have to say the design here is divine! No matter the outside wooden booth you can enjoy the sunshine at or inside big table with loft style light. It's just like the perfect home for everyone!
Now it's time for food! I will show menu first and introduce them individually
The fresh fish sandwich is with lots of vegetables and cheese. I especially love their meal with healthy ingredients with fresh food.
Then here comes the BEST! Simple salmon salad is not simple AT ALL! It's perfect! With mozzarella cheese, roasted salmon, and lots of vege, it is the Must-order in this cafe!
The curry is good as well! But it's a bit spicy though. Love lots of fresh vegetables inside~
Banana milk is ok~just like normal banana milk
Then it's the must-order again! The hot milk tea in super cute tea pot! Every time when I lift it up, I feel like going back to the old centuries drinking with queen & king!
Then Let's use their beautiful flower design to end this article! Every corner in this cafe is filled with elegant flower and plants!
Luv you my BFF Chantal
Wish you all have a pleasant weekend!
Alex Shih