Bohemian Spirit 波西米亞初衷
Photographer, Hair & Make up: Rebecca Wang
Styling: Alex Shih
Model: Isis, Evan, and Carina
As we grow older, we gradually forget our dreams due to increasing reality concerns. Let's dress in flowing fringe, sharp suede and vivid pattern, and follow the Bohemian spirit to find out what we want initially.
All by H&M
All by H&M
Dress by H&M
Shoes by Miss Sofi
All by H&M
All by H&M
Necklace by Schulzworks
All by H&M
All clothing by H&M
Hat by stylist own
White jeans by models own
Skirt by H&M
Necklace & Earing by Schulzworks
feather necklace by photographer's own
It's my first time to style 3 models! It was quite challenging because I need to consider the coherence of their outfits and if they match each other. We deiced to use this year's hottest trend Bohemian style to make this story. Hope you like it
這次是我造型最大的挑戰!因為很臨時接到這個造型,要三個人造型很難,要一個禮拜生出衣服鞋子更難!不但每個人身材膚色不同,同時要考慮彼此的呼應程度,我是以第一套全印花,第二套全部短褲,第三套全白為主題造型,很辛苦但也很好玩,也請大家多多支持我的攝影師好友Rebecca Wang
Below are some behind the scenes photos! It was quite exhausting of carrying lots of clothes and shoes, but when the result came out, they were all worth it!
接著是幕後花絮照片,這次還藉機參訪到H&M台灣總部,公關人都超好啊,讓我們拍攝非常順利,也要感謝老朋友 Miss Sofi和Athena Chuang和 Schulzworks大力支持我這個小咖造型師!
Alex Shih