ELLE NEW TALENT AWARDS新銳設計師服裝秀!幸運遇到蕭敬騰!

這次很幸運因為朋友的關係到ELLE NEW TALENT AWARDS時裝秀後台幫忙,之前看秀都是輕鬆坐在台下吃吃喝喝,這次到後台才體會到一場秀最重要的,是這些幕後人員的辛苦付出,當天雖然很累但有機會跟大明星們近距離接觸機會無價!同時附上服裝秀前台照片,讓大家同時了解後台秘辛和前台美麗!
This time I was really lucky to get the chance working in the backstage of ELLE NEW TALENT AWARDS fashion show, cooperating with so many talented designers and PR colleagues, so that I could see a lot of super stars in the backstage and also with my friend taking photos of the show :)
Usually there were already some people setting the stage in the early morning or the day before!

 Tried to act like superstar for photo call (Cuz we knew we would stay in the backstage for whole night)
Actually working in backstage needs a lot of quick reaction, cuz emergency always happens like finding the shoes for model A or pairing the clothes for celebrities! Highest respect to those who work behind the show!

Model card for dresser
Then we also need to assist them for arranging the goodie bags
 The model will rehearse for several times with their own clothes and show outfits respectively!

Now Let's see what we will do in the backstage when the show is about to begin! This is the busiest time in a show due to lots of celebrities coming at a time for photo call!

接著秀就開始了!經由這次的工作實際接觸到這些台灣年輕設計師的產品,認真覺得他們的東西不但質感很好,價格也是合理反映成本,不像有些大品牌亂漲價只是因為有名,但用不好的材料。而且買年輕設計師的產品除了支持台灣以外,也是讓自己不會跟別人撞衫阿!大名牌的東西很多人都有,時尚不是要有點與眾不同?穿上新銳設計師的衣服也是讓自己能從派隊脫穎而出的好方法阿!詳細介紹在本期的ELLE都有,這次我就不多作評論,建議大家點進去他們官網或粉絲專頁近距離觀賞服裝,追蹤他們 :)
Then the show started with Taiwanese new talented designers!
I really think sometimes we are not just supporting young designers for buying the clothes, but also making ourselves unique from others! Big labels every one can have it. However, the new designer's outfit quantity will be less and wearing them can make you stand out from a party! We can first see how ELLE report their design!

第一套是VIVACITA 很前衛的設計,喜歡那個護具,超酷的

第二套是本次冠軍Jamie Wei Huang!不需多說,點進去看就知道了
Second one is this time's champion Jamie Wei Huang!

第三套是 Eve Lin很創意的多層次襯衫穿法
The third one is Eve Lin

第四套是CC KUO 本人超Q的~很喜歡她
Then it's CC KUO, really like her in the backstage

This is MING with beautiful ankle boots
 SUN YU HONG的衣服很柔美,很精緻女性化,
 SUN YU HONG with really soft fabric with delicate embroidery!  
Austin W吳日云的衣服很摩登,線條乾淨俐落,可惜沒拍好阿!建議大家去官網看
Austin W's design is really modern with clean silhouette. Plz go to official website for clearer photos 
APUJAN with his unique and beautiful print on the silk shirt and dress! Really eye-catching!

Congratulations to you, Jamie! Hope your brand will go bigger & bigger!(Other designers as well! you are all really talented and about to shine in the fashion world!)
 Best partners!
Anyway, this time is really fun with all the designers and meeting my fans! 
The key take-away in this article is supporting those young Taiwan designers! Check the link above and use ur action to make Taiwan design shine in the world. Shop these designers outfits here
Please join my Facebook fan page & instagram to follow fashion news :)
Alex Shih
