<穿搭>百搭的格紋襯衫Plaid Shirt for every winter
Well, this week I was quite unfortunate at first with my broken NB, but then things going better, and I got the intern offer from fashion magazine!
Plaid shirt is for everyone in every season, but this winter, it is back to runway and becomes "hit" again. Plain shirt is easy to wear, but also easy to make you look like anyone else. Let's see how celebrity wear first.
Jean Paul Gaultier的很早就運用蘇格蘭格紋,代表龐克文化,那個炸彈包我到現在還是好想買阿~~~可以拿來丟朋友Already in JPL exhibition we can see his use of Scottish plaid
泰勒斯的項鍊毛帽大加分Taylor Swift's aht and necklace are good plus
也可搭配豹紋撞撞看,但其他地方顏色就要低調 With leopard is another good choice
毛衣輕鬆一掛,穿起來就跟別人不一樣,手拿包畫龍點睛Effortless style with good clutch
Cara的造型無敵,年輕又帥氣,第二套綁在腰間超酷!Oh my Cara!! I love her style so much!
男生可以用一些帽子或領結配件來點亮with accessories like hat or tie are good ways to wear plaid
接著是我的穿搭時間,這件Lativ的格紋襯衫陪伴我一年但很少穿now is my turn for the outfit!
想說搭配我的千鳥紋圍巾,竟然意外的好搭!Houndtooth scarf suits the plaid as well!
搭配橘色針織衫也不賴 with my orange cardigan is good as well
來偷偷拿張夏天的格紋照片來亂入haha This is the summer version of plaid
接著就是回顧時間啦!回顧我在荷蘭穿這件襯衫的美好回憶Throw Back for Holland!
這是我在荷蘭的第一個派對,剛去前幾天就有派對認識朋友,還記得一開始好生疏,一直當壁花,後來跟大家打成一片,真的好開心 :) This is the first part I attend in Rotterdam. Still remember the excitement I had at that moment
I wanna use this stupid iPhone case to be the end. Never buy this, cuz it's totally too heavy and inconvenient
Alex Shih
泰勒斯的項鍊毛帽大加分Taylor Swift's aht and necklace are good plus
也可搭配豹紋撞撞看,但其他地方顏色就要低調 With leopard is another good choice
毛衣輕鬆一掛,穿起來就跟別人不一樣,手拿包畫龍點睛Effortless style with good clutch
Cara的造型無敵,年輕又帥氣,第二套綁在腰間超酷!Oh my Cara!! I love her style so much!
男生可以用一些帽子或領結配件來點亮with accessories like hat or tie are good ways to wear plaid
接著是我的穿搭時間,這件Lativ的格紋襯衫陪伴我一年但很少穿now is my turn for the outfit!
想說搭配我的千鳥紋圍巾,竟然意外的好搭!Houndtooth scarf suits the plaid as well!
搭配橘色針織衫也不賴 with my orange cardigan is good as well
來偷偷拿張夏天的格紋照片來亂入haha This is the summer version of plaid
接著就是回顧時間啦!回顧我在荷蘭穿這件襯衫的美好回憶Throw Back for Holland!
這是我在荷蘭的第一個派對,剛去前幾天就有派對認識朋友,還記得一開始好生疏,一直當壁花,後來跟大家打成一片,真的好開心 :) This is the first part I attend in Rotterdam. Still remember the excitement I had at that moment
I wanna use this stupid iPhone case to be the end. Never buy this, cuz it's totally too heavy and inconvenient
Alex Shih