<活動>超級精彩的台灣設計師Athena Chuang 2014 早春發表會 (Athena Chuang 2014 spring mini collection launch)

說來很幸運(故事淵源有點長),之前在FENDI打工的時候,剛好認識Athena姐姐(好啦主要是我愛裝熟),那時候就覺得她整個就美若天仙,腿好長,然後好優雅,知道她在米蘭Istituto Marangoni念服裝設計,然後又到羅馬FENDI工作跟Karl Lagerfeld共事,就覺得她超強的!!而且完全沒有架子,人很好的跟我們一起分享她的故事,後來超強在Fashion in Taipei去年的比賽得到第一名,受到溫筱鴻的賞識,獲得裕隆Indesign贊助,讓她成功發表了自己的設計品牌~!真的很佩服她,超級好看又實穿!當天媒體很多我們就來看照片吧
This time, I am so lucky to attend my friend Athena Chuang's brand launch. I met her while working in FENDI, though it's a short time, but I was really impressive about how natural she was, and treating us really nice. She once worked with Karl Lagerfeld(OMG I desperately wanna see him in person!) Now she got sponsored and shined with her talent by launching her 2014 spring mini collection.
First is the CEO of indesign which sponsored Athena.
 接著是Athena解說這次的靈感來源,有點小害羞但很可愛,她說這次早春靈感主要來自黑影家族,Tim Burton的電影,設計出一系列又現代又有過去18世紀那種古典氛圍,許多不收邊的細節和蕾絲,烏干紗完美描繪女生優雅氣質的感覺,但又有摩登的氣勢,很多可愛的彼得潘領子讓我超愛,Athena自己穿這套超好看
 Then it's time for Athena to explain her inspiration for this collection. The inspiration is from Tim Buron's Dark Shadows movie with dark color but She used a lot of lace and peter pan collar to make girl look stylish and elegant.
 This organza dress with black lace underneath is really elaborate. The peter pan collar make it look young but elegant. You can easily wear it to the party and nail it. 
I like the vest and cloak with simple but unique outline.
一些派對點心但我太忙了還要趕回去上班,就沒吃了QQ Some party finger food but I didn't eat
Then She was interviewed by lots of major media and TV in Taiwan.
Finally got the chance to see her collection in real! Wish you all the best, Athena, you are the best
 接著PO一下當天我的穿搭(因為當天包包不搭偷拿朋友的LV來拍照哈哈)Then it's my outfit~
 自以為是專欄作家硬要拿MAC但還是買不起阿~~Pretend to be like Carrie Bradshaw with Mac lol
Then it's time for the photographer version pictures of her collection
This dress with flounced decoration make girls powerful but elegant in the same time.
趕快加入Athena Chuang品牌粉絲團獲得一手消息
Where to buy? 
No.9, Ln.49, Anhe Rd. Taipei city.Taiwan
+886 2 27520218
 Join her own brand-name Athena Chuangfan page to get the latest news

Alex Shih
