巴黎凡爾賽宮花園外拍&巴黎必吃的油封鴨!! Versailles & Confit de Canard

好啦 我覺得巴黎好像有點拖太久了大家要喪失心情了,但想說一天一天介紹比較清楚並且就當作悠閒的來看吧,在兩篇就結束了!! 請大家繼續支持阿 穿搭目前還在累積多點穿搭方式比較清楚~最近又回復上班模式了,不過很開心在外商公司蠻活潑的而且可以看101上班:P
Sorry for long posting about Paris, but I just wanna share every joyful moment for all of you.
凡爾賽一進門就人多到爆炸(建議坐地鐵到就可以了 我是幸運美女朋友載我們去)
It's super crowded in Versailles!!! Suggest to go there early or go on Weekdays.
人真的是多到會讓人想罵髒話~我最討厭排隊而且想說把時間花在排隊不如好好欣賞花園,於是就默默走到後面花園參觀了(花園真的很值得一去 隨便拍照都像在拍婚紗超美!)You can't believe the people here are all lining up for entering the Versailles@@ Due to the time limit, we give up the Versailles but we go to the GARDEN~~still really beautiful~
 隨便一個噴泉雕像都超美,走在裡面他們還會放那種巴洛克時代的大鍵琴音樂 整個超想穿大禮服戴假捲髮在裡面奔跑~~還要很假掰得拿扇子遮嘴笑之類的~~
 Look the statue next to the fountain is so pretty!
Now it''s time for posing
Audrey you are addicted to Asian pose LOL~
 海神噴泉 他們定點時刻會有噴水秀,搭配音樂真的頗氣派 不用住豪宅 來凡爾賽體驗就好啦
 the door of the little garden inside is so elegant
 afternoon tea with junk food 因為太餓了所以就吃了雞塊薯條當下午茶 很不FRENCH~(指)
I like the little garden inside with arc shape.
法國朋友說這些剪樹的園丁都必須有兩把刷子才能修剪這麼有特色的樹 超可愛The gardener must be talented to shape these stylish trees :)
凡爾賽中間最大的噴水池 記得三四點作又會有噴水秀(不過也就只有噴水哈哈 沒有像日本豪斯登堡有燈光秀~)
 The biggest fountain in the middle of the Versailles Garden
最後來看看DIOR在凡爾賽拍的影片吧 雖然我覺得模特兒最後表情很有事@@ Happy Ending in Versailles, let's see the video shot by Dior in Versailles.
I found out that Parisians they know how to relax in the day. They usually will go to a Cafe to sit down and chat with their friends to know what's going on now.
 朋友的帥男友 很像王力宏~Audrey's cute BF :)
He is so nice and friendly :) You guys are such a cute couple!
中間再度用我的破法文夾雜英文溝通 回來真的要重新溫習啦~
 It's funny because we talk in English and my poor French LOL
 funny face by Mia
Thanks for this awesome coffee time :)
The metro performer was so talented!!
Then it's the dinner time!!
I really like the duck cuisine in Paris. The duck is really hard to cook and control the hardness of the meat. I like the restaurant next to my little hotel :)
 Cheers, My best trip partner. 
乾杯~敬我最愛的旅行夥伴~(這位正妹還單身喔 優質黃金單身漢快私訊我XDDD)
I love Baguette in Paris. Tres bien~
Metro station at night
It opens really late, so it's a good choice after hanging out. Here is the link
這間餐廳開超晚的,剛剛查TRIPADVISOR星星也是不錯 真的是意外發現的好料理!
因為中間有天住朋友家 回來換到更大的房間整個超開心!在巴黎有好房間然後一晚3200兩人算很便宜了!!! (灑花) 最後放上一首之前同事推薦的法文歌"我不想工作"很適合解除Monday blue
I was so happy to change to a bigger room with same price. It's quite fair to have a good room with 2 people only 40 euro per person~~Let's have a good french song to kick off Monday Blue!


Very good choice for the song. Next time you will come to Marseille, I'll cook duck for you. I really like your post's title ^^ !
Ludi <3
Alex Shih寫道…
Merci, he he I am still practicing my french LOL, I will write about Marseilles soon :) Come to Taiwan we will treat you for sure