巴黎Gossip Girl之旅 來去巴黎人家住一晚~ One night in a Parisian family

This one will be written in English because I wanna show my gratefulness for Audrey and her whole family. Today we went to Montmartre---Champs elysees Louis Vuitton---Notre Dame----My friend's house.
I immediately wore my vintage scarf to kick off the day
 Weekend fever~
Luv u Audrey&Mia~Montmartre is full of people but still has a magic power to make people calm down and pray in the Basilique du Sacré-Cœu,
我的美女好友們,雖然蒙馬特高原充滿人,但卻不會擁擠到不舒服,走在路上還是有種神祕的力量會使人想靜下心來進去聖心堂(就在高原裡面)好好祈禱 訴說心事
 Panarama The view of Paris from Montmartre is awesome even with fog.
全景相機功能~ 蒙馬特的視野很好,可以看到大部份的巴黎是當地人周末的好去處
Triple shots. Thanks to Audrey for amazing photography skill~
 Then we accidentally went to this restaurant Chez ma Cousine which is coincidentally the place where Audrey's parents get married!!!! What a small world!!
 Lots of celebrities have been there
 We were trying to be elegant 
 I didn't eat baguette before but this time Parisian baguette amazed me! Especially this store!
 Egg salad
 Audrey told me that if we ear mussels, we should use the first finished one's shell to be the fork to eat the rest.
Fish fillet and apple pie
 Then we weny to Champ elysees to see how Audrey work in Louis Vuitton before.
I like your Asian pose haaa Audrey~
The maison Louis Vuitton
這個再香榭麗謝LV旁邊的Maison就是他們的全球辦公室總部 想進去可是擠破頭啊!
Thanks to Audrey for your professional tour in Louis Vuitton
感謝朋友在LV工作深度導覽Louis Vuitton總店,裡面有書店和驚人的配件庫存量和男女服飾
到旁邊的Hermes逛逛,雖然一個經典包包都沒有,但絲巾很多香水也很棒 重點式裝潢十分美麗古典,值得繞進去裡面晃一晃
 When we went to Sephora, it happened to have a raining men event for Givenchy new fragrance. Everyone stopped by because of the hot models. LOL
接著就看我們真正的大明星Simon Baker代言的香水廣告吧(穿著PRADA的惡魔男主角)
Took the metro to Saint Michel Notre dame
接著就搭到Saint Michel附近聖母院!這個就是著名的聖米歇廣場~

La Conciergerie
It's Notre dame's 850 anniversary! 
U can see how cold Paris was when we visited~
Then it was the great time going to my friend's house for dinner :)
 It is a lovely house in the suburb of Paris.
 I love the bread with duck liver sauce. It was so tasty and ligh
 In Paris we definitely need to try Quiche~
 French people actually eat really simple. The most important part of the dinner is letting all family members gather together and talk. Food is simple but with good quality and nutrition.
 Audrey's home made macaroon!! Unique in the world!
朋友端出自製馬卡龍,吃到的時候整個超感動的! 搭配蘋果泥核桃派整個好幸福
mignon chat
 Pretend to play the harp
假裝彈豎琴 甲掰氣質照
 Thank you all for let Mia and me stay for one night to best experience in Paris.
Asian Pose again :P
Bisou Bisou
Alex Shih
