Long vest street snap

Long Vest with fur pocket/ Athena Chuang
Scuba Clutch/ Athena Chuang

This time is the brand new photo cooperation with my talented friend Brendan Minto, and it's my honor to collaborate with him because now he is the street snap photographer of Bryan Boy & Bagsnob! Isn't it amazing! He can always catch the most natural moment of people for street snap, so please follow his Instagram, and btw he is a super handsome Canadian guy! 

這次應該是本部落格提升到超高層次!因為之前認識的好友Brendan現在已經晉升為國際部落客像是Bagsnob的Tina和Bryan Boy!他很厲害總能在跟我講話的瞬間按下快門,抓住我最自然的一面,這次他也遊走整個國際四大時裝週,拍出很多厲害的照片,趕快去Follow他的instagram!!

Long vest is like a transformed item from classic men suit. Original the vest is in the 3 pieces suit, but signers use their talent to make it longer, still with peaked lapel but more colors and creative details, making long vest a best item for Spring.(Cuz the weather changes rapidly like a crazy bitch)
My best designer friend Athena Chuang made these stunning long vest with fur(artificial one, don't worry), it is so exquisite that even strangers asked me about where to get them! Street snap time~
長版背心算是從傳統男裝背心演化而來,原本西裝的三件式背心在近幾年設計師的巧手下,加長再調上不同顏色和創意細節,讓這種長背心變得好看又保暖(短版背心真的就裝飾用,比較不好搭配),特別適合忽冷忽熱的春天,直接穿披著都好看!!一到好友Athena Chuang工作坊,立馬挑上這件穿去拍照,巧的是一走出電梯馬上被天下雜誌的編輯們問是哪裡買的,讓我成為活廣告阿哈哈哈,話不多說先看街拍潮人怎麼穿

Styling Tip
Remember make yourself look sharp! Long vest already takes a big portion of your outfit, so make your hair make up clean. Please wear heels or skinny pants to make you taller or the long vest will make you short. Best with cute clutch or little cross shoulder bag. (Don't use big tote)
Btw Taiwanese diva Jolin also wear this in the magazine! 

Supermodel ain't easy haaaaaaa 
 Glad to be shot with Taipei 101! I love Taipei

This is so fun haaaa

Please Add my fans page and instagram Please~~
Alex Shih
