Mirrored sunglasses for 2014 summer夏日必備的消暑反光墨鏡!

Since last year, there are lots of mirrored sunglasses on the runway, but 2014 is really the year of mirrored sunglasses! A lot of celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Jessica Alba and Olivia Palermo who just got married all wore mirrored sunglasses this summer. The reflection can always cool people down in the hot weather.
自從去年伸展台出現反光水銀墨鏡,今年夏天街拍便充滿各式各樣的反光墨鏡,名人們也紛紛戴起了反光墨鏡像是超模Cara 剛結婚的Olivia或是Jessica Alba等,男生當然也有像是布萊德彼特等,我很喜歡反光墨鏡的原因是因為在夏天戴起來特別消暑,還能兼鏡子使用,超多用途阿!而且戴起來有種很未來感酷炫的感覺,整個大勝一般墨鏡阿!先看名人怎麼搭

My favorite blogger Chiara

 Brad Pitt
 Olivia and her husband 
Olivia和她老公 童話故事成真的感覺XDDD
 Jessica Alba

Miley Cyrus
Styling Tip for mirrored sunglasses: Remember that mirrored sunglasses are already really shiny, so KEEP IT SIMPLE for your whole look. Don't add too much accessories to distract people to your whole look. Let's see my outfit in LANYU island from last week.

I found myself quite suitable  for diving suit~hee

Then I wore mirrored sunglasses on casual days not like in LANYU with vacation feeling, but more city chic with different outfit and even my graduation uniformXD

Strike a pose for my last summer vacation!

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Alex Shih
