<素人大改造>Alex當造型師幫5位朋友大改造!5 friends makeover by me

有興趣的朋友歡迎來粉絲團私訊,在台北或台中,主要看我有空時間囉 :)
Because recently, lots of my friends have asked me about helping them makeover for special event, I have started to use my styling skills to help them build new image. My rule is I will adjust the style by their figure, and also mix and match with their old item to new item I bought for them. Most important part is adding the right fashion element according to their appearance, not just copying the magazine look on them. Here are 5 friends styled by me :)

1. 部落客好友CANDY

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RIGHT: After

平常都走甜美或休閒風的她,想讓她跳脫日系可愛少女,轉成歐美型女路線,選擇最潮的Crop Top和亮色西裝!變成下面這樣
First is my blogger friend whose style is sweet and cute. This time I am trying crop top & blazers to make her cooler!

I was styling her in the party haaaa That's my clutch
 Me and my cool girl!
2.堂姊 My cousin
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RIGHT: After
 Shopping time採購時光
My cousin is so good at marathon, always wearing casual to a lot of places. However, this time because she got a final presentation in her college, I decided to give her a formal outfit but still chic with tight shirts, pants, and of course the pumps!

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RIGHT: After

Sharon is my new friend I just made a couple weeks ago. We all have common friend who worked in Allocacoc, and that's the reason why we became good friends. She got her own style but sometimes can't show her good figure, so this time I decided to use some accessories and tight dress to make her look sexy in the club haa.
Happy Styling time! I made her waist chain become necklace!

4.Yen (Boy)
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RIGHT: After
高中好朋友YEN,他身形算比較迷你窄肩膀,但不胖所以幫他挑了比較緊身的西裝,襯衫用粉紅色搭配粉藍蝴蝶結,中和剛硬的臉部輪廓,然後也給他些髮型BB霜建議 :)讓他帥氣出席台大舞會!以前也會穿西裝的都買太鬆,或是用粗領帶(拜託粗領帶不流行很久不要再帶了,活像古人!)
My high school classmate Yen who is a little bit Petit ~, so I chose tight suit and pink shirts with cute blue tie to make him look cuter but still remain his masculinity !

5. 最後偷偷出賣我最愛的老媽  My beloved mother XDDD
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RIGHT: After
My mom is a person who exercises a lot every week. She hasn't dressed up for a really long time, so this time while attending the wedding, she was quite nervous about what to wear. I browsed through her wardrobe, picking something old and buying something new to mix& match! Sometimes old things can still have new look with good styling!

Add my fans page and instagram Please~~
Alex Shih
