Met Gala Costume Institute Ball in New York 紐約大都會博物館開展秀

        Every year, the most amazing outfit is not in Oscar or Golden Globe awards, it's in Met Gala hold by Costume Institute and Vogue. Every year there will be the Met Gala in Metropolitan museum to open the annual fashion exhibition in Met. This is the most important fashion event in the world, and celebrities in the world are all dying for attending the gala. Designers know it's the best chance to promote their brands, so they will try their best to sponsor the celebrities and attract the world's attention. It is the biggest social event in New York every year, all the fashion media wants to catch the glimpse of those it girls.(I really hope I can go and see Anna Wintour!)
每年最精采不是在奧斯卡或金球獎,而是我們VOGUE和CI辦的MET GALA在我最愛的紐約大都會博物館(就是每次BLAIR和SEREANA在那邊PK的階梯!)  這是一年一度紐約最盛大的社交活動,所有媒體都想盡辦法想擠進去爭睹明星風采,最重要的是女明星表現自己的時尚品味的大亂鬥!! 超級多大卡司都會出來秀服裝並且許多設計師都會捧著他們的服裝只為了在這一天展現出來,讓全世界看到他們頂尖的設計!
(picture from Modelinia)
When you look the amount of the photographer, you will know how big this event can be!
 I remember when I was 18 I went to Met and I watched the exhibition of 2010: "American Women: Fashioning a National Identity." it was really cool!! You can see all outfit from different designers to be exhibited like art in Met. This year's theme is "Punk: Chaos to Couture" Let's see how celebrities wear and how they make their honor to PUNK~!!
18歲去的時候剛好也有展覽,但沒幸運到去看MET GALA只有默默看展覽,整體真的很棒喜歡服裝時尚的人一定要去紐約MET朝聖一下,主要都是5-8月!今年主題是PUNK!! 腦袋想到的都是Vivian Westwood 還是JPG之類的,哈哈 不過女明星們都用自己的穿著去權勢他們心中的PUNK! 我主要是挑我喜歡的幾套衣服跟大家分享一下 XDD
Beyonce I can only said, "Diva!!!" no doubt! this Givenchy yellow detail really fit her skin color.
SJP, this time I really like her hat by Philip Treacy which really correspond the the theme PUNK! U can view his collection via here. BTW I found out this year, wearing gown with over knee boots are "in" again!! So go to ur closet to dig out those boots!
I can't recognize Kim at first@@ but this outfit is quite pretty for pregnant.
Madonna is always pioneer of everything. Like her attitude and outfit. Really Punk!
Miley Cyrus, she can win the best outfit just by her hair LOL This Marc Jacobs's cut is really good for her. I like the concept of sheer beauty.
Miley超酷的 光頭髮造型就贏了一半吧...哈哈
Anne Hathaway with blond hair! I still prefer her dark hair :P
安海瑟薇 還是好美,但深髮真的還是比較適合她哈哈
Taylor swift somehow looks weird in Punk event, she is more pop now ha ha 
泰勒斯在這邊出現有點奇怪,畢竟還是鄉村樂起家哈哈 現在變成流行樂了 但還是很正!
I love Gwen!!! She is always creative and smart in her outfit!
關史蒂芬妮品位永遠無敵,這間禮服設計很有質感又搭配不對襯髮型 棒
Katie! she is pretty, but I m 100% sure this is not Punk@@
凱蒂很美但這件禮服就一點不龐克阿!! 畢竟這不是奧斯卡阿 是創意的GALA!
Gisele her pose is really punk LOL and her body is amazing!
Olsen this is more like Flower exhibition not Punk@@
OSLEN姐妹(我永遠不知道式姐還是妹) 這件很適合參加花博
My beloved Marc Jacobs and Sophia!
MJ身上的市川久保玲喔 很可愛的圓點點!!
Emma Watson is too elegant and conservative in this outfit. She is pretty but not Punk for sure!
這間很美但是有點平凡,艾瑪華森其實可以更龐克的 畢竟她英國人耶!
Nicki feels like Kim Cardashian I don't know why
我覺得這張NICKI長的反而很像金卡帶山 哈哈哈哈
I love Sienna smart idea! Gown with leather studded jacket! Perfect
Her hair is so cool!
Blake Lively! Always gorgeous!!
我最愛的S永遠美麗,雖然沒有很龐克啦,不過裙襬的皺摺好美唷 看了好久還是很喜歡
Amanda is stunning with this vintage Givenchy! the end of the gown is really beautiful!
這間古董衣好美,下襬的圖案和設計很像波浪 好細緻 
Anna Wintour!!! I wanna be her assistant! LOL!!
Cara's dress is really Punk and her hair is perfect match with her outfit!
Jennifer Lawrence playing SJP's hat!! LOL SJP must be really happy and proud LOL
珍妮佛玩弄莎拉的帽子,莎拉應該很開心吧 直接成為全場焦點,強勢回歸!
最後送大家一張照片 祝大家一個美夢(希望不是惡夢)
Sorry to scare my audience, this is my 18 outfit(not really fashion honestly) but hanging with my friend Dora and pretending we are S&B fighting in Met is the best summer moment in my life:)
(Pictures are all from Huffpost The end is the live video in Met
哈哈 我18歲去大都會跟我最愛的DORA一起在階梯上上演Gossip Girl裡面S&B大戰哈哈,現在想起那段無憂無慮夏日時光真的還是很開心 希望大家喜歡這篇文章 有興趣以下是現場影片
Alex Shih
