Happy Queen's Day & I love Holland! 2013最後一次女王節 阿姆斯特丹船上趴體!

話說今年我真的是非常幸運,因為剛好荷蘭女王Beatrix在1月多的時候宣告要退位換成她兒子Willem-Alexander,所以今年是歷史上最後一次的女王節,明年開始就變成國王節在4/27,在荷蘭的我怎麼可能錯過史上最瘋狂的女王節! 於是決定排隊去搶阿姆斯特丹船票,在船上開趴體3小時不間斷!順便補充荷蘭小常識 4/29通常是女王之夜,整個荷蘭到處都在開派對,人們都是不睡覺一路玩到女王節哈哈,根本就是藉女王名義狂喝酒!然後因為女王他們家姓氏是ORANGE所以大家才會瘋狂穿橘色衣服,整個荷蘭就變成一顆大橘子~!抱歉照片有點多~XD
 This year I m so lucky to attend the last Queen's day in Holland!! So I joined the ESN queens day boat trip! It was so crazy on the boat! I will post lots of photos to make the party vivid :)
The week before Queen's day, there are so many orange clothes and cupcakes in the market!
I choose the Simpson family cloth from C&A only 5 euro~!!我在C&A剛好掃到一件才5歐的衣服
這是我朋友 整個就是當天最佳服裝獎啊!! 國旗橘色全都有!哈哈
My friend Samantha can win the best outfit!
L.A 公主PK 愛爾蘭嘎嘎
L.A Princess V.S Ireland Kanye!
 從墨鏡到手環全部都是橘色阿~ All orange in my outfit
一大早搭巴士很像畢業旅行 從鹿特丹直奔阿姆斯特丹
Tool the bus like a field trip all the way to AMS!
Orange brothers
I hope I can be blond haaaaaaa then I can have orange hair easier!
Around 11 we are already on the boat! Let's get this party started
So crowded on the boat with lots of people, but that's how party should be!
女孩們和加拿大假超人 哈哈
Girls and fake superhero XD
The echo under the bridge makes the party cooler and higher!
I borrowed the crown hat to feel like Alexander ha ha
1.2.3 Strike a pose!
My Irish friend wearing the orange hat looks like a orange thief LOL!
Not too many people on the boat because it's too early and too far from city center
Then I climbed to the upper part of the boat, felt so good!
逼猛男朋友們嘟嘴哈哈哈 這張我笑超久
I forced my friend to have duck face!XDD 
當然船還是要有人開啦!哈哈 他們技術超好!
Hot driver
後來經過橋上就開始有人狂丟橘色帽子給我們 應該是DE咖啡想廣告吧 哈哈
Every time when we drive through the bridge, we feel like superstars and people will happily yell to each others and take pictures.
但吶喊完下一秒就是要趴下去,不然頭會撞到橋 哈哈 每次經過橋都特別開心XD
After yelling, we have to head down or our heads will crush the bridge
Drive through Hard Rock Cafe!
Then we met lots of boats and cheers to each others, or throwing the orange hats LOL
We even drove through the boathouse with cute Dutch girls!
My German friends who look like super stars
接著就要講一個悲慘故事,就是在船上廁所很小只有一間,到最後真的很崩潰@@會很後悔自己為何要喝那麼多啤酒 哈哈哈 不過也是很特別的經驗了 最後解決方式就私底下問我囉XD
When u drink too much on the boat in the end, you will feel like dying not because you are drunk but because you wanna go to the toilet so badly XDDDDDDDD
Photographer Taylor my friend :)
I love this sunglasses which combines all elements in Holland!
經過荷蘭皇家博物館 最近新開幕可以去看看喔就是有林布蘭夜巡的經典博物館
Rijk Museum reopen!
Heineken Museum
Stroopwaffle!! So Dutch :)
 Party Party Party!
Time flies, when we get off the boat, so many people are too drunk to get out of the boat XD
在路上因為4/30這天好像路邊攤是不會收稅的,到處都是荷蘭人擺攤賣東西,感覺好像回到台灣好溫馨,但是賣的主要都是二手商品,也會有讓小孩在路邊表演,賺零用錢(那要是我的話難道就要把鋼琴搬到路邊亂彈嗎) 整個城是擠滿觀光客和荷蘭人,十分有趣但很擠!甚至還有人販賣廁所真的很聰明,在女王節有乾淨廁所上真的是最開心的事情:)
Because Dutch government won't charge for revenue on 4/30, people all put out the vendor to earn some money! Even people selling their toiletsXD
When I was ready to go to De Dam, there was the military parade, so the street was empty!!
Finally get the De Dam
Meet my lovely Taiwanese friends again!
 水壩廣場有電視牆可以轉播看皇室現場轉播但因為我在船上就沒看到囉 :P
I got the crown!!!
 Diva Mia with Ivy bunny!
離開前不忘吃荷蘭最有名的薯條阿 哈哈 累了一天吃起來最好吃!
It's Queen's day, so I definitely won't forget my favorite patat~
 女皇再見,國王快來,美麗的阿姆斯特丹我們下次再見!現在阿姆斯特丹我幾乎可以不用看地圖了!! 真的好喜歡荷蘭喔一個非常多元包容的國家,當天雖然路上很多醉漢和瘋狂觀光客等,但大家就是互相包容用橘色愛這個國家,女王節真的很酷! 雖然我蠻早5點多就回家了(因為我沒很愛喝酒)但這種全城狂歡的感覺是真的很特殊的,有空就來荷蘭國王節走走吧!
Bye bye Beatrix,Hello Willem Alexander, and see u next time Amsterdam! I love Holland! 
Alex Shih


I wish I was there. I like the picture with Joel and Chris doing a duck face ^^
Miss u.
Alex Shih寫道…
haha I forced them to do that!! I really hope u can come to Queens day!! but no matter what hope u all well on ur work
miss u too